Juniors & Teens

Junior Class

The Junior Sabbath School programs are designed for 10 to 12 year olds to stimulate an active mind. Songs, quizzes, games, and activities themed around each week’s Bible lesson make the Junior class a world of fun on Sabbath mornings, while positive take-home messages are reinforced.

Read the lesson

Early Teen & Youth Class

Meet together in the Life Centre for real conversations.

Being a teenager is difficult. There’s pressure to do well in school, have a healthy social life and start thinking about the job you’d like someday. Youth face similar challenges as they consider if the Bible is still relevant today and wonder what kind of positive impact they make in the world? What makes it less difficult? Hanging out with people who know how you feel. Who have similar dreams, interests and questions about the future. Who can provide you with support and encourage you along the way. Join us each Sabbath morning as we connect, chat, and see what the Bible has to say about life, relationships and making good decisions.

Pathfinders Club

Have you ever tried rock climbing? How about mountain biking, canoeing or snorkelling? Perhaps candle making, photography or cooking are more your thing? Whatever your passion, you’ll find a huge range of awesome activities at our Pathfinder club. Pathfinders is for those aged 10-15, and is all about hanging out with your friends, learning some really cool skills and promoting respect for God and His creation.

Pathfinders meet Saturday afternoons in the club rooms (conference room) and once a month on Sunday. Ask us about when the next meet up is.